Conference venue: Vilnius City Hall, Didzioji str 31, LT-01128 Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference date: 3rd – 4th October, 2024
Start time: 9:45, 3rd October 2024
End time: 17:00, 4th October 2024
Registration: 8:30-9:45, 3rd October 2024
3rd OCTOBER, 2024, STAGE I sessions
9:45 Welcoming speech
10:00 - 11:30, SESSION 1, STAGE I
10:00 J. Gagarina, A samurai has no goal, only path - Aortic Arch Variants and Anomalies, Riga, Latvia
10: 10 TBA, Radiological aspects of mesenteric ischemia, TBA
10:20 Fl. Schwartz, Photon counting CT in vascular imaging: studies and real life, Augsburg, Germany
10:30 J. Kobak, Abdominal and pelvic veins thrombosis/post-thrombotic obstructive lesions diagnostics by non-contrast-enhanced MRV – a preliminary study, Lublin, Poland
10:40A. Kratovska, Caleidoscope of vascular radiology cases: interactive case quiz, Riga, Latvia
10:50 K. Paraskevas, Carotid plaque vulnerability, Athens, Greece
11:00 Discussion
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 - 13:30, SESSION 3, STAGE I
12:00 R. Bulbulia, Restenosis rates following CEA and CAS: New results from ACST-2, Oxford, UK
12:10 L. Tekieli, Carotid in-stent restenosis: Incidence and treatment, Krakow, Poland
12:20 P. Musialek, Highly-Calcified Carotid Lesions: Addressing the Last Frontier, Krakow, Poland
12:30 K. Paraskevas, Asymptomatic carotid stenosis and cognitive impairment, Athens, Greece
12:40 P. Musialek, Carotid Anti-Embolic Stents: Optimal Interventional Therapy, Krakow, Poland
12:50 A. Ligers, Early and mid-term outcomes of stenting or endarterectomy for carotid artery stenosis, Riga, Latvia
13:00 C. Zeebregts, The ideal patch for closure after carotid endarterectomy, Groningen, Netherlands
13:10 P. Myrcha, Transfemoral/Transradial Carotid Artery Stenting Supported By Superficial Temporal Artery Access, Warsaw, Poland
13:20 Discussion
13:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00, SESSION 5, STAGE I
14:30 T. Jakimowicz, Endovascular treatment of aortic arch pathologies, Warsaw, Poland
14:40 V. Janušauskas, Ascending aortic pathology. Cardiac surgeons, Vilnius, Lithuania
14:50 J. S. Kristensen, The Non-syndromic Ascending Thoracic Aorta in a Population-based Setting: A Five-year Prospective Cohort Study from the DANCAVAS Screening Trials, Odense, Denmark
15:00 M. Majewski, Endovascular treatment of an ascending aorta pseudo-aneurysm with aorto-cutaneous fistula by trans-apical approach, Créteil, France
15:10 L. Velička, V. Kvedaraitė, E. Ereminienė, Endovacular treatment possibilities for patients with congenital aortic syndromes, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:20 C. C. Novak, Treo in AAA treatment, Budapest, Hungary
15:30 Discussion
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00, SESSION 7, STAGE I
16:30 G. Halena, Angioplasty of the below-the-knee arteries. State of the art and future perspectives, Gdansk, Poland
16:40 H. Zayed, Deep veinous arterialization, London, United Kingdom
16:50 A. Drobnys, Cost analysis for Target Lesion Revascularization in Patients with Femoropopliteal In-Stent-Restenosis, Arnsberg, Germany
17:00 Angiodroid Sponsored presentation
17:10 G. F. Torsello, IVUS, how I do it, Göttingen, Germany
17:20 A. Drobnys, Cost effectiveness IVUS, Arnsberg, Germany
17:30 G. Torsello, How BEST CLI has changed my practice, Münster, Germany
17:40 Golden Sponsor presentation (Terumo)
17:50 Discussion
3rd OCTOBER, 2024, STAGE II sessions
10:00 - 11:30, SESSION 2, STAGE II
10:00 J. S. Lindholt, What a vascular surgeon should know about Chronic Kidney Disease, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
10:10 M. V. De Ceniga, Essentials from the ESVS dialysis access guidelines, Bizkaia, Spain
10:20 U. Hedin, Current challenges in dialysis access, Stockholm, Sweden
10:30 P. P. Esteban, How to make the perfect anastomosis – biofluid computional analyses, Birmingham, UK
10:40 M. Stjenehjem, A systematic review and meta-analysis of homografts for hemodialysis, Odense, Denmark
10:50 F. Moll, The aXess biodegradable hemodialysis access graft, Utrecht, Netherlands
11:00 M. Alm, The multifunctional TeleGraft hemodialysis access graft, Biomodics , Rødovre, Denmark
11:10 Discussion
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 - 13:30, SESSION 4, STAGE II
12:00 J. Bernotas, Early anatomic and blood flow changes after arteriovenous fistula formation, Kaunas, Lithuania
12:10 R. Girčius, Dialysis fistula salvage How and when do we do it endovascularly in VULSK, Vilnius, Lithuania V.
12:20 I. Kobza, I. Nesterenko, Yu. Mota, B. Gavryliv, Atypical variants of combined forms of abdominal vascular – compression syndromes, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
12:30 J. Mota, I. Kobza, T. Kobza, Surgical management of extracranial carotid artery pseudoaneurysms, Lviv, Ukraine
12:40 P. Vargalis, L. Velička, Open solutions for visceral ischaemia treatment: methods and result, Kaunas, Lithuania
12:50 R. Girčius, Interventional radiologist – a bridging specialist between a diagnostic radiologist and a vascular surgeon in a lower limb venous pathology, Vilnius, Lithuania
13:00 Discussion
13:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00, SESSION 6, STAGE II
14:30 G. Lengvenis, Carotid artery tortuosity in acute ischemic stroke, Vilnius, Lithuania
14:40 A. Veiss, Alternative access points in challenging anatomy during endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke, Riga, Latvia
14:50 M. Holtmannspötter, Neurointerventional Treatments/Tools in the Trauma Patients, Nuernberg, Germany
15:00 T. Patankar, Endovascular treatment of brain aneurysm: ISAT AND POST ISAT status, Leeds, UK
15:10 D. Bulja, Endovascular treatment of Dural-arteriovenous fistulas (DAVfs) and Carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs), Sarajevo, Bosnia/Herzegovina
15:20 I. Preguza, Transvenous embolization of brain AVM - a new way to success, Kisiniov, Moldova
15:30 Discussion
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00, SESSION 8, STAGE II
16:30 M. Bjorck, Article writing?, Uppsala, Sweden
16:40 R. Bulbulia, How to write a perfect paper, Oxford, UK
17:10 L. Partyka, Clinical trial planning, Krakow, Poland
17:20 D. Krievins, Clinical trials, Riga, Latvia
17:30 Discussion
4th OCTOBER, 2024, STAGE I sessions
9:00 - 10:30, SESSION 9, STAGE I
9:00 AMDS sponsor (Artivion)
9:20 P. Myrcha, Tips For Beginners to Avoid Traps When Starting a FEVAR/BEVAR Implantation. Results of The First 50 Procedures, Warsaw, Poland
9:30 P. Poder, T-branch – complex aortic repair – experience from North Estonian Medical Centre, Tallinn, Estonia.
9:40 M. Majewski, Long term follow-up results after in situ laser fenestrated endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (LEVAR), Créteil, France
9:50 T. Balezantis, Results of late open surgical conversion for failed EVAR, Odense, Denmark
10:00 C. Zeebregts, Aortic infection, Groningen, Netherlands
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30, SESSION 11, STAGE I
11:00 M. Bjorck, The Updated 2024 ESVS AAA Guidelines. What is new? Uppsala, Sweden
11:10 J. S. Lindholt, Aortic epidemiology, Odense, Denmark
11:20 R F. Moll, The Evolution of Aortic Stentgrafts and Future Perspectives, Utrecht, Netherlands
11:30 G. Torsello, Covered stents testing for BEVAR/FEVAR, Münster, Germany
11:40 D. Krievins, Aortic fixation, Riga, Latvia
11:50 L. Velička, A. M. Baškytė, R. Benetis, Primary aortic angiosarcoma epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment, Kaunas, Lithuania
12:00 A. Ligers, Early clinical diagnosis and treatment of complicated traumatic infra-renal aortic dissection and abdominal injuries after a high-energy trauma, Riga, Latvia
12:10 Discussion
12:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00, SESSION 13, STAGE I
13:30 D. Krievins, Cardiovascular + PAD, Riga, Latvia
13:40 J. S. Lindholt, Cardiovascular + PAD, Odense, Denmark
13:50 V. Mosenko, The impact of patients’ sex on life expectancy after major lower extremity amputation, Vilnius, Lithuania
14:00 M. Laukaitis, Early patency of cold-stored allografts and factors that may affect it, Kaunas, Lithuania
14:10 Golden sponsor presentation (Terumo)
14:20 V. Šliaužys, PAOD in diabetic patients: treatment and its dynamics, Kaunas, Lithuania
14:30 Wrapsody. Merrit Silver sponsor lecture
14:40 Biotronik Sponsored presentation
14:50 Discussion
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00, SESSION 15, STAGE I
15:30 T. Urbanek, Pelvic vein disease treatment – what we know? what we do not know?, Katowice, Poland
15:40 S. Bikauskaitė, R. S. Kaupas, L. Velička, Early results of pelvic vein embolization: what we could do better?, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:50 P. Ivanova, Venous stent occlusion, Riga Latvia
16:00 M. Brūvere, Iliac vein occlusion: suitability for recanalization, Riga, Latvia
16:10 L. Polombi, New possibilities of laser technology for phlebology patients, Italy
16:20 W. Rybak, Varicose Vein Hybrid Procedures: Treatment Planning and Strategies for Optimal Results, Poland
16:30 J. Rits, Chronic venous insufficiency is not the same as varicose veins: treatment strategy and methods, Riga, Latvia
16:40 I. Ūdris, Total EVLA: tips and tricks, Riga, Latvia
16:50 A. Ūdre-Stabiņa, Postoperative neuropathy – in varicose vein treatment, Riga, Latvia
4th OCTOBER, 2024, STAGE II sessions
9:00 - 10:30, SESSION 10, STAGE II
9:00 E. Kuusik, Establishing an Advanced Practice Nurse reception in Vascular Surgery in North Estonia Medical Centre, Tallinn, Estonia
9:10 K Arras, Overview of the North Estonia Medical Centre and Department of Vascular Surgery, Tallinn, Estonia
9:20 I. Sakatauskaitė, G. Montvydaitė, E. Vaitkaitienė, Evaluation of cognitive impairments and patients' quality of life after the aortic aneurysm surgery, Kaunas, Lithuania
9:30 M. Buivid, Overview of nursing documentation in RVUL vascular surgery department, Vilnius, Lithuania
9:40 J. Žalalienė, Communication standard and its implementation in the Republic of Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania
9:50 Discussion
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30, SESSION 12, STAGE II
11:00 K. Jauniškis B. Vaišnytė, D. Palionis, Innovations in the Treatment of Vascular Malformations, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:10 D. Palionis, B. Vaišnytė, K. Jauniškis, Radiological diagnosis of peripheral AVM. / "Role of MR-Angiography in vascular malformations"
11:20 S. Urbonavičius, Protemic analysis, Viborg, Denmark
11:30 I. Ašakienė, Copper bandages – the most effective in treating chronic wounds, Vilnius Lithuania
11:40 T. Baltrūnas, Sentante, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:50 Patient centric OR management, Ambercell
12:00 A. Račytė, AI-based AAA volume segmentation tool to detect sack expansion, Vilnius, Lithuania
12:10 Discussion
12:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00, SESSION 14, STAGE II
13:30 Anesthesiology pro
13:40 Anesthesiology contra
13:50 Prehabilitation
14:00 I. Nesterenko, V. Nesterenko, A. Piliukh, M. Fedoriv, Ya. Vasyliuk, Long-term consequences of combat vascular injury of the neck and limbs, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
14:10 T. Kobza, I. Kobza, J. Mota, Combat vascular thoracic trauma, Lviv, Ukraine
14:20 E. L. Rätsep, Career planning in vascular surgery, NEMC, Tallinn, Estonia
14:30 G. Torsello, Vascupedia, Münster, Germany
14:40 Discussion
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00, SESSION 16, STAGE II
15:30 S. Bikauskaitė, Ruptured common iliac artery aneurysm: recurrent extravasations after aneurysm repair, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:40 A. M. Baškytė, Venous aneurysms case reports (popliteal vein and internal jugular vein aneurysms), Kaunas, Lithuania
15:50 R. Kijauskas, Rare simultaneous complex aortic coarctation, descending aortic aneurysm and aortic valve stenosis treatment, Kaunas, Lithuania
16:00 M. Mikutavičius, J. Bernotas, Traumatic arteriovenous leg fistula after 15 years. Case report, Kaunas, Lithuania
16:10 U. Katiliūtė, Myoma in v. cava, Vilnius, Lithuania
16:20 I. Ašakienė, K. Petrauskaitė, A unique way to destroy the infection of long non-healing wounds in 1 minute, Vilnius, Lithuania
16:30 Discussion
Terumo workshop, 3rd October, workshop room
LeMaitre workshop, 3rd October, workshop room
*More information about workshops will be published soon!