Conference venue: Vilnius City Hall, Didzioji str 31, LT-01128 Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference date: 3rd – 4th October, 2024
Start time: 9:45, 3rd October 2024
End time: 17:00, 4th October 2024
Registration: 8:30-9:45, 3rd October 2024
9:45 Welcoming speech
3rd OCTOBER, 2024
10:00 - 11:30, SESSION 1, RADIOLOGY (A. Kratovska, G. F. Torsello), STAGE I
10:00 J. Gagarina, A samurai has no goal, only path - Aortic Arch Variants and Anomalies, Riga, Latvia
10: 10 Radiological aspects of mesenteric ischemia
10:20 Fl. Schwartz, Photon counting CT in vascular imaging: studies and real life, Augsburg, Germany
10:30 J. Kobak, Abdominal and pelvic veins thrombosis/post-thrombotic obstructive lesions diagnostics by non-contrast-enhanced MRV – a preliminary study, Lublin, Poland
10:40 A. Kratovska, Caleidoscope of vascular radiology cases: interactive case quiz, Riga, Latvia
11:00 K. Paraskevas, Carotid plaque vulnerability, Athens, Greece
11:10 Discussion
10:00 - 11:30, SESSION 2, DIALYSIS (J. Lindholt, T. Baltrūnas), STAGE II
10:00 J. S. Lindholt, What a vascular surgeon should know about Chronic Kidney Disease, Odense, Denmark
10:10 M. V. De Ceniga, Essentials from the ESVS dialysis access guidelines, Bizkaia, Spain
10:20 U. Hedin, Current challenges in dialysis access, Stockholm, Sweden
10:30 P. P. Esteban, How to make the perfect anastomosis – biofluid computional analyses, Birmingham, UK
10:40 M. Stenehjem, A systematic review and meta-analysis of homografts for hemodialysis, Odense, Denmark
10:50 R. F. Moll, The aXess biodegradable hemodialysis access graft, Utrecht, Netherlands
11:00 M. Alm, The multifunctional TeleGraft hemodialysis access graft, Biomodics , Rødovre, Denmark
11:10 Discussion
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 - 13:30, SESSION 3, CAROTID (A. Mackevičius, R. Kaupas), STAGE I
12:00 R. Bulbulia, Restenosis rates following CEA and CAS: New results from ACST-2, Oxford, UK
12:10 L. Tekieli, Carotid in-stent restenosis: Incidence and treatment, Krakow, Poland
12:20 P. Musialek, Highly-Calcified Carotid Lesions: Addressing the Last Frontier, Krakow, Poland
12:30 K. Paraskevas, Asymptomatic carotid stenosis and cognitive impairment, Athens, Greece
12:40 P. Musialek, Carotid Anti-Embolic Stents: Optimal Interventional Therapy, Krakow, Poland
12:50 A. Ligers, Early and mid-term outcomes of stenting or endarterectomy for carotid artery stenosis, Riga, Latvia
13:00 C. Zeebregts, The ideal patch for closure after carotid endarterectomy, Groningen, Netherlands
13:10 P. Myrcha, Transfemoral/Transradial Carotid Artery Stenting Supported By Superficial Temporal Artery Access, Warsaw, Poland
13:20 Discussion
12:00 - 13:30, SESSION 4, MISCELLANEOUS (F. Moll, A. Skrebūnas), STAGE II
12:00 J. Bernotas, Early anatomic and blood flow changes after arteriovenous fistula formation, Kaunas, Lithuania
12:10 R. Girčius, Dialysis fistula salvage How and when do we do it endovascularly in VULSK, Vilnius, Lithuania
12:20 G. F. Torsello, Different modalities of endovascular thrombectomy, Göttingen, Germany
12:30 I. Kobza, I. Nesterenko, Yu. Mota, B. Gavryliv, Atypical variants of combined forms of abdominal vascular – compression syndromes, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
12:40 Yu. Mota, I. Kobza, T. Kobza, Surgical management of extracranial carotid artery pseudoaneurysms, Lviv, Ukraine
12:50 A, Mačiulaitytė, L. Velička, Open solutions for visceral ischaemia treatment: methods and result, Kaunas, Lithuania
13:00 R. Girčius, Interventional radiologist – a bridging specialist between a diagnostic radiologist and a vascular surgeon in a lower limb venous pathology, Vilnius, Lithuania
13:10 Discussion
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:00, SESSION 5, THORACIC AORTIC (T. Jakimowicz, M. Majewski), STAGE I
14:30 T. Jakimowicz, Endovascular treatment of aortic arch pathologies, Warsaw, Poland
14:40 V. Janušauskas, Ascending aortic pathology. Cardiac surgeons, Vilnius, Lithuania
14:50 J. S. S. Kristensen, The Non-syndromic Ascending Thoracic Aorta in a Population-based Setting: A Five-year Prospective Cohort Study from the DANCAVAS Screening Trials, Odense, Denmark
15:00 M. Majewski, Endovascular treatment of an ascending aorta pseudo-aneurysm with aorto-cutaneous fistula by trans-apical approach, Créteil, France
15:10 L. Velička, V. Kvedaraitė, E. Ereminienė, Endovascular treatment possibilities for patients with congenital aortic syndromes, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:20 C. C. Novak, Treo in AAA treatment, Budapest, Hungary
15:30 R. Girčius, A complex case of an internal iliac aneurysm endovascular treatment, Vilnius, Lithuania
15:40 Discussion
14:30 - 16:00, SESSION 6, NEUROVASCULAR (T. Patankar, A. Afanasjev), STAGE II
14:30 G. Lengvenis, Carotid artery tortuosity in acute ischemic stroke, Vilnius, Lithuania
14:40 A. Veiss, Alternative access points in challenging anatomy during endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke, Riga, Latvia
14:50 M. Holtmannspötter, Neurointerventional Treatments/Tools in the Trauma Patients, Nuernberg, Germany
15:00 T. Patankar, Endovascular treatment of brain aneurysm: ISAT AND POST ISAT status, Leeds, UK
15:10 D. Bulja, Endovascular treatment of Dural-arteriovenous fistulas (DAVfs) and Carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCFs), Sarajevo, Bosnia/Herzegovina
15:20 I. Preguza, Transvenous embolization of brain AVM - a new way to success, Kisiniov, Moldova
15:30 Discussion
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 18:00, SESSION 7, PAD 1 (P. Poder, P. Ivanova), STAGE I
16:30 D. Krievins, New strategy for reducing adverse cardiac events and improving survival of patients with CLTI, Riga, Latvia
16:40 J. S. Lindholt, Cardiovascular risk in PAD patients, Odense, Denmark
16:50 G. Halena, Angioplasty of the below-the-knee arteries. State of the art and future perspectives, Gdansk, Poland
17:00 H. Zayed, Deep venous arterialization, London, United Kingdom
17:10 G. F. Torsello, IVUS, how I do it, Göttingen, Germany
17:20 A. Drobnys, Cost-effectiveness analysis of intravascular ultrasound-guided peripheral vascular interventions in patients with femoropopliteal peripheral artery disease, Arnsberg, Germany
17:30 G. Torsello, How BEST CLI has changed my practice, Münster, Germany
17:40 A. Kratovska, CAS: Perfect technical solution but complicated patients. 2 cases, Riga, Latvia
17:50 Discussion
16:30 - 18:00, SESSION 8, VASCULAR SURGERY IN SCIENCE (E. L. Rätsep, G. Vaitėnas), STAGE II
16:30 M. Björck, Perfect article, editor's view, Uppsala, Sweden
16:40 R. Bulbulia, How to write a perfect paper, Oxford, UK
17:10 L. Partyka, Clinical trial planning, Krakow, Poland
17:20 D. Krievins, Clinical trials, Riga, Latvia
17:30 Discussion
4th OCTOBER, 2024
9:00 - 10:30, SESSION 9, ABDOMINAL AORTIC 1 (C. Zeebregts, P. Myrcha), STAGE I
9:00 R. de Silva, AMDS hybrid prosthesis, Cambridge, UK (Artivion sponsored lecture)
9:20 P. Myrcha, Tips For Beginners to Avoid Traps When Starting a FEVAR/BEVAR Implantation. Results of The First 50 Procedures, Warsaw, Poland
9:30 P. Poder, T-branch – complex aortic repair – experience from North Estonian Medical Centre, Tallinn, Estonia
9:40 M. Majewski, Long term follow-up results after in situ laser fenestrated endovascular treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms (LEVAR), Créteil, France
9:50 T. Balezantis, Results of late open surgical conversion for failed EVAR, Odense, Denmark
10:00 C. Zeebregts, Aortic infection, Groningen, Netherlands
10:10 Discussion
9:00 - 10:30, SESSION 10, INNOVATIONS (J. Rieck, T. Baltrūnas), STAGE II
9:00 K. Jauniškis B. Vaišnytė, D. Palionis, Innovations in the Treatment of Vascular Malformations, Vilnius, Lithuania
9:10 D. Palionis, B. Vaišnytė, K. Jauniškis, Radiological diagnosis of peripheral AVM. / "Role of MR-Angiography in vascular malformations"
9:20 I. Ašakienė, Copper bandages – the most effective in treating chronic wounds, Vilnius Lithuania
9:30 T. Baltrūnas, Sentante, Vilnius, Lithuania
9:40 E. Gražys, Patient centric OR management, Klaipėda, Lithuania (Ambercell)
9:50 A. Račytė, AI-based AAA volume segmentation tool to detect sack expansion, Vilnius, Lithuania
10:00 G. Sengölge, Maintain vascular real estate, manage end-stage dialysis access: HeRO-Graft, Vienna, Austria (Merit sponsored presentation)
10:10 Discussion
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:30, SESSION 11, ABDOMINAL AORTIC 2 (M. Björck, T. Baltrūnas), STAGE I
11:00 M. Björck, The Updated 2024 ESVS AAA Guidelines. What is new? Uppsala, Sweden
11:10 J. S. Lindholt, Aortic epidemiology, Odense, Denmark
11:20 R. F. Moll, The Evolution of Aortic Stentgrafts and Future Perspectives, Utrecht, Netherlands
11:30 G. Torsello, Covered stents testing for BEVAR/FEVAR, Münster, Germany
11:40 D. Krievins, VESTECK endosuturing technology: how does it work. How is it different from Endoancors, Riga, Latvia
11:50 L. Velička, A. M. Baškytė, R. Benetis, Primary aortic angiosarcoma epidemiology, diagnostics and treatment, Kaunas, Lithuania
12:00 A. Ligers, Early clinical diagnosis and treatment of complicated traumatic infra-renal aortic dissection and abdominal injuries after a high-energy trauma, Riga, Latvia
12:10 Discussion
11:00 - 12:30, SESSION 12, CHALLENGES FOR NURSES (K. Arras, M. Buivid, J. Žalalienė), STAGE II
11:00 K Arras, Overview of the North Estonia Medical Centre and Department of Vascular Surgery, Tallinn, Estonia
11:10 E. Kuusik, Establishing an Advanced Practice Nurse reception in Vascular Surgery in North Estonia Medical Centre, Tallinn, Estonia
11:20 I. Sakatauskaitė, G. Montvydaitė, E. Vaitkaitienė, Evaluation of cognitive impairments and patients' quality of life after the aortic aneurysm surgery, Kaunas, Lithuania
11:30 M. Buivid, Overview of nursing documentation in RVUL vascular surgery department, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:40 J. Žalalienė, Communication standard and its implementation in the Republic of Vilnius University Hospital, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:50 Discussion
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00, SESSION 13, HOW IT WORKS IN PRACTICE (G. Torsello, A. Mackevičius), STAGE I
13:30 V. Kuzminskaitė, No anesthesia - free the surgeon, Vilnius, Lithuania
13:40 G. Tomkutė, Sleeping patient - happy surgeon, Vilnius, Lithuania
13:50 I. Nesterenko, V. Nesterenko, A. Piliukh, M. Fedoriv, Ya. Vasyliuk, Long-term consequences of combat vascular injury of the neck and limbs, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
14:00 T. Kobza, I. Kobza, Yu. Mota, Combat vascular thoracic trauma, Lviv, Ukraine
14:10 E. L. Rätsep, Career planning in vascular surgery, NEMC, Tallinn, Estonia
14:20 G. Torsello, Vascupedia, Münster, Germany
14:30 L. Patrone, Angiodroid Sponsored presentation, Florence, Italy
14:40 Discussion
13:30 - 15:00, SESSION 14, PAD 2 (G. Halena, P. Poder), STAGE II
13:30 M. Laukaitis, Early patency of cold-stored allografts and factors that may affect it, Kaunas, Lithuania
13:40 P. Ivanova, My first case with new dual-layer micromesh stent for PAD: expectations & impressions, Riga, Latvia
13:50 L. Patrone, Biotronik Sponsored presentation, Florence, Italy
14:00 A. Drobnys, Cost analysis for Target Lesion Revascularization in Patients with Femoropopliteal In-Stent-Restenosis, Arnsberg, Germany
14:10 V. Mosenko, The impact of patients’ sex on life expectancy after major lower extremity amputation, Vilnius, Lithuania
14:20 K. Medelis, Walking impairement questionnaire adaptation in Lithuania, Vilnius Lithuania
14:30 V. Šliaužys, PAOD in diabetic patients: treatment and its dynamics, Kaunas, Lithuania
14:40 Discussion
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00, SESSION 15, VENOUS/ULCERS (P. Ivanova, L. Velička), STAGE I
15:30 T. Urbanek, Pelvic vein disease treatment – what we know? what we do not know?, Katowice, Poland
15:40 S. Bikauskaitė, R. S. Kaupas, L. Velička, Early results of pelvic vein embolization: what we could do better?, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:50 P. Ivanova, Venous stent occlusion, Riga Latvia
16:00 M. Brūvere, Iliac vein occlusion: suitability for recanalization, Riga, Latvia
16:10 L. Polombi, New possibilities of laser technology for phlebology patients, Italy
16:20 W. Rybak, Varicose Vein Hybrid Procedures: Treatment Planning and Strategies for Optimal Results, Poland
16:30 J. Rits, Chronic venous insufficiency is not the same as varicose veins: treatment strategy and methods, Riga, Latvia
16:40 I. Ūdris, Total EVLA: tips and tricks, Riga, Latvia
16:50 A. Ūdre-Stabiņa, Postoperative neuropathy – in varicose vein treatment, Riga, Latvia
15:30 - 17:00, SESSION 16, COMPLICATED CASES (H. Järve, A. Skrebūnas), STAGE II
15:30 A. M. Baškytė, Venous aneurysms case reports (popliteal vein and internal jugular vein aneurysms), Kaunas, Lithuania
15:40 R. Kijauskas, Rare simultaneous complex aortic coarctation, descending aortic aneurysm and aortic valve stenosis treatment, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:50 M. Mikutavičius, J. Bernotas, Traumatic arteriovenous leg fistula after 15 years. Case report, Kaunas, Lithuania
16:00 U. Katiliūtė, A Benign Tumor’s Malignant Course: Intravenous Leiomyoma Reaching the Right Atrium, Vilnius, Lithuania
16:10 I. Ašakienė, K. Petrauskaitė, A unique way to destroy the infection of long non-healing wounds in 1 minute, Vilnius, Lithuania
16:20 S. Bikauskaitė, Ruptured common iliac artery aneurysm: recurrent extravasations after aneurysm repair, Kaunas, Lithuania
16:30 Discussion
17:00 Ending ceremony
Terumo workshop, New peripheral double mesh stent, 3rd October, workshop room
Artivion workshop, AMDS hybrid prosthesis, 3rd October, workshop room
LeMaitre workshop, Carotid Endarterectomy, 4th October, workshop room
Viva Medical workshop, Identify pathology: diagnostic cases in practice, 4th October, workshop room
*More information about workshops will be published soon!