24th OCTOBER, 2019
9:00 Welcome speach
New technological advances in vascular radiology. Moderator A. Kratovska
9:10 Preoperative radiological evaluation and measurement accuracy in patients with acute thoracic aorta pathology V. Vysockas, Kaunas, Lithuania
9:20 An impact of brahiocephalic vessel anatomy on TEVAR planning F. Schwarz, Augsburg, Germany
9:30 Post-EVAR surveillance & re-intervention modelling L. Kim, Cambridge, UK
9:40 Vascular trauma MDCT, case review, technical challenges M. Zeps, Riga, Latvia
9:50 Radiological diagnosis of pelvic congestion syndrome E. Reedi, Tallin, Estonia
10:00 Evaluation of carotid artery atherosclerotic lesion with contrast enchanced ultrasound A. Gimzauskaite, Kaunas, Lithuania
10:10 Radiological follow-up after EVAR/TEVAR P. Saari, Kuopio, Finland
10:20 The role of perfusion imaging and angiosome concept in infrapopliteal angioplasty A. Kratovska, Riga, Latvia
10:30 Coffee break
Carotid and vertebral artery diseases. Moderators A. Mackevicius, R. Kaupas
11:00 Vertebral artery surgery: The results A. Mackevicius, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:10 Evidence for Asymptomatic Carotid Intervention: Identifying the High-Risk Patient R. Bulbulia, Oxford, United Kingdom
11:20 Stroke Chameleons A. Vilionskis, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:30 NIRS as a predictor of cerebral ischaemia during CEA in awake patients D. Inčiūra, A. Antuševas,
A. Aladaitis, A. Gimžauskaitė, L. Velička, Ž. Kavaliauskienė; Kaunas, Lithuania
11:40 Surgical method selection for carotid stenosis treatment T. Kobza, Lvov Ukraine
11:50 Intermediate results of the comparison of the efficiency of carotid artery stenting with open and closed cell stents. Siberia study A. Karpenko, Novosibirsk, Russia
12:00 Intracranial thrombectomy and Carotid artery stenting: An acute stroke treatment option A. Sirvinskas, Vilnius, Lithuania
12:10 Timing and results of CEA in acute setting M. Taurino, Roma, Italy
12:20 Results of the staged revascularization of the combined atherosclerotic injury of the carotid and coronary arteries Sh. I. Karimov, A. A. Irnazarov, A. A. Yulbarisov, H. K. Alidjanov, A. M. Akhmatov, R. T. Muminov, V. E. Tsay, A. A. Djalilov, D. H. Nurmatov, J. K. Matmuradov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
12:30 Cerebral hyperperfusion after carotid endarterectomy R. Trutiak, D. Royko, O. Trutiak, Lvov, Ukraine
12:40 Endovascular method selection for carotid stenosis treatment A. Pranculis, Panevėžys, Lithuania
12:50 Reperfusion-reoxygenation syndrome and its correction Vl. Zasimovic, Brest, Belarus
13:00 Lunch
Aortic diseases. Moderators D. Krievins, T. Baltrunas
14:00 DANCAVAS and VIVA studies J. S. Lindholt, Odense, Denmark
14:10 National differences in AAA paterns: Germany, Russia, Tajikistan E. Kalmykov, Hamburg, Germany
14:20 Sex differences in the management of AAA M. Bown, Leicester, UK
14:30 Open TAAA experience L. Davidovic, Belgrade, Serbia
14:50 Anesthesiologist point of view G. Tomkute, Vilnius, Lithuania
15:00 COLT system P. Szopinski, Warsaw, Poland
15:10 Increased intra-abdominal pressure after AAA repair M. Bjorck, Uppsala, Sweden
15:20 ALTURA prosthesis for AAA: Is there space for Kissing endografts? D. Krievins, Riga, Latvia
15:30 Iliac artery aneurysm treatment A. Jawien, Bydgoszc, Poland
15:40 Isolated iliac artery aneurysm stenting: is it durable? S. J. Norvydas, R. Kaupas, L. Velicka; Kaunas, Lithuania
15:50 Buttock claudication after internal iliac artery embolisation T. Danilevicius, U. Lukauskaite, T. Ptašinskas, R. Kaupas, L. Velicka; Kaunas, Lithuania
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Sponsored lecture
Design | Dose | Data for the Eluvia Stent Morgane Delemarle, US. Boston Scientific
Translational medicine. Moderators P. Szopinski, T. Baltrunas
16:45 Endovascular aortic arch procedures P. Szopinski, Warsaw, Poland
16:55 Preo-op Diagnosis of Silent Coronary Ischemia using CT-derived Fractional Flow Reserve (FFRct) May Redduce Post-op MI and Death in Patients Undergoing Peripheral Vascular Surgery D. Krievins, K. Kaufmanis, Riga, Latvia
17:05 Inflammation and atherothrombosis J. Tunon, Madrid, Spain
17:15 What is 'Best Medical Therapy' for PAD Patients? R. Bulbulia, Oxford, United Kingdom
17:25 Influence of diabetes on SFA endovascular recanalization is debatable L. Rizzo, Roma, Italy
17:35 Stemm cell therapy for PAD A. Darinskas, Vilnius, Lithuania
17:43 Silent atrial fibrilation-new epidemic or unfounded fear U. Chernyaha-Royko, D. Royko, M. Sorokivskyy; Lvov Ukraine
17:53 Microbiome and host health: the surgeon's view A. Bausys, Vilnius, Lithuania
18:00 Role of vascular surgeon on postsoviet battlefield T. Kobza, Lvov Ukraine
18:10 Special awards
25th OCTOBER, 2019
9:00 Sponsored lecture
Interventional treatment of venous thrombosis - from acute DVT to post-thrombotic lesions O. Hartung, Marseille, France
Peripheral artery disease. Moderators P. Poder, P. Ivanova
9:20 Open solutions for aorto-femoral occlussive disease D. Inciura, Dr. R. Adamonis, Kaunas, Lithuania
9:30 CERAB technique – a tailor made solution foor the treatment of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease H. Zayed, London, United Kingdom
9:40 Endarterectomy of iliac and femoral arteries + endovascular solutions P. Poder, Tallinn, Estonia
9:50 Drug-eluting technologies in peripheral vessels: future or past? G. Vadala, Italy
10:00 Experience with heavily calcified SFA lesions. Lithoplasty and vessel preparation balloons K. Lotamõis, Tallinn, Estonia
10:10 Latest experience with dual layer stents in the lower limbs T. Fuss, Radebeule, Germany
10:20 In situ vein bypass - still an option for CLI G. Vanakesa, Tallinn, Estonia
10:30 Endovascular thrombectomy: options? P. Ivanova, Riga, Latvia
10:40 Discussions
10:50 Coffee break
Artery disease and live cases. Moderators G. Vaitėnas, A. Skrebūnas
11:20 The results of biomimetic correction of the superficial femoral artery during its extended stenting A. Karpenko, Novosibirsk, Russia
11:30 Chronic mesenteric ischemia: international guidelines and our experience Y. Orel, D. Royko, Lvov Ukraine
11:38 Challenging lower limb revascularisation H. Kidikas, Riga, Latvia
11:46 Regional oxymetry changes after BTK revascularization T. Baltrunas, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:51 Giant gl. caroticum tumor: A rare clinical case K. Laurikenas, Vilnius, Lithuania
11:59 Surgical treatment of patients with Takayasu arteritis: a 10-year experience Sh. I. Karimov, A. A. Irnazarov, A. A. Yulbarisov, H. K. Alidjanov, A. M. Akhmatov, V. E. Tsay, A. A. Djalilov, E. R. Djuraeva, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
12:07 The prevalence of post endovascular access site bleeding and pseudoaneurysms requiring surgical treatment V. Dabravolskaite, O. Hurmerinta, V.Vänni, J. Turtiainen; Joensuu, Finland
12:15 The usage of BX covered stents as a bridging stent in endovascular aneurysm repair H. Zayed, London, United Kingdom
12:25 The Association of Aortic Wall Density on CTA with Aneurysm Growth Following EVAR A. Skrebūnas, G. Lengvenis, R. Bliūdžius, U. Builytė, T. Baltrūnas, N. Misonis, G. Marinskis; Vilnius, Lithuania
12:30 Honoured lecture. Vascular surgery in the old Vilnius University V. Triponis, Vilnius, Lithuania
12:40 Live cases
13:20 Lunch
Ulcer treatment. Moderators I. Asakiene, L. Pilipaityte
14:20 Venous leg ulcer treatment A. Jawien, Warsaw, Poland
14:35 Wound dressings for autolytic removal of non-viable tissue K. Varkalys, Kaunas, Lithuania
14:45 Shave therapy for treatment of leg ulcers: indications, technic and results J. Rits, Riga, Latvia
14:55 Negative pressure therapy for complicated wound treatment A. Gaurilčikas, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:05 Treating chronic wounds with hydrotherapy: presentation of clinical cases T. Petraitis, Marijampole, Lithuania
15:15 Chronic wound bed preparation for skin transplantation: presentation of a clinical case G. Mickevičiūtė, R. Bražinskaitė, I. Ašakienė, Vilnius, Lithuania
15:20 Results of complex management of chronic wounds G. Vaitėnas, G. Mickevičiūtė, Vilnius, Lithuania
15:25 The impact of multidisciplinary care for diabetic foot in reducing major amputation rates V. Sliauzys; Kaunas, Lithuania
15:30 Complex wound healing after open vascular interventions. I. Ašakienė, G. Mickevičiūtė, Vilnius, Lithuania
15:35 Staphylococcal sepsis with skin necrosis V. Bielko, Šiauliai, Lithuania
15:40 Local antibacterial wound treatment: antibiotics L. Pilipaitytė, Kaunas, Lithuania
15:50 Discussions
16:10 Coffee break
Venous interventions. Moderators A. Jawien, L. Velicka
16:40 Anticoagulation in superfitial vein intervention : do we need it? L. Velicka, Kaunas, Lithuania
16:50 Complications of laser ablation: lessons I learned from my practice J. Rits, Riga, Latvia
17:00 Phlebitic reaction after cyanoacrylate treatment of superficial veins Pr. Poder, Talinn, Estonia
17:10 Complications after tretment of pelvic vein dissorders V. Palmiste, Talinn, Estonia
17:20 Contemporary treatment of acute DVT P. Ivanova, Riga, Latvia
17:30 Results after Iliac vein stenting for chronic obstruction M. Chamsin, R. Kaupas, L. Velicka; Kaunas, Lithuania
17:40 Results after thrombolysis and stenting of acute DVT A. Jawien, Bydgosc, Poland
17:50 Analysis of the quality of life of patients with deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities Sh. I. Karimov, A. A. Irnazarov, A. A. Asrarov, V. R. Khasanov, I. R. Beknazarov, U. Z. Turizhanov, T. E. Rakhimzoda, R. V. Agzamov